Kinky Hair Blues by Una Marson (1937)

Publié le par AsMe

"Gwine find a beauty shop

 Cause I ain't a belle.

Gwine find a beauty shop

Cause I ain't a belle.

The boys pass me by,

They say I'm not so swell.


 See oder young gals

So slick and so smart

I just gwine die on de shelf

If I don't make a start


I hate that ironed hair

And dat bleaching skin

I hate that ironed hair

And dat bleaching skin,

But' I'll be all alone

If I don't fall in


Lord 'tis you did gie me

All dis kinky hair

'Tis you did gie me

All dis kinky hair

And I don't envy gals

Who got dose locks so fair


I like me black face,

And me kinky hair

I like me black face,

And me kinky hair

But nobody loves dem,

I jest don't tink it's fair


Now I's gwine press me hair

And bleach me skin

I gwine press me hair,

And bleach me skin.

What won't a gal do,

Some kinda man to win"

Kinky Hair Blues, Una Marson 1937


(discovered here link)

Publié dans Poèmes

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<br /> I really like. Sooo true! What won't do girls to be as people (BOYZ !!!) want them to be! Rather sad , isn't it? people should be able to recongnize beauty, to be proud of their natural beauty<br /> instead of trying to fit in some kind of mould<br /> <br /> <br />