Moisturizing spray for hair under protective style

Publié le par AsMe

 Protective styles are one way to achieve great length since it helps retain it. BUT sometimes when we have our protective style on whether it is twist or braid extension we forget to moisturize it, which is real bad. You don't want to mess up all your efforts!

I recently found out how to do it, easily, just some water, glycerin and castor oil.

Here is a recipe from my bathroom (I'm mixing everything in there, easier to cleanse)


  • Water
  • glycerin
  • castor oil
  • coconut oil (additional)


  • a spray bottle
  • your arms lol


Mix all the ingredients together (execpt the coconut oil ) in the spray bottle and shake it until you think it's well mix, and that's it.


I just spray it on my hair before sleeping and massage my hair with drops of coconut oil ; put my satin scarf on and sleep like a kid.

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